Your Weekly Horoscope, August 11-17: Redefining Your Life

Your Weekly Horoscope, August 11-17: Redefining Your Life

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There is big energy this week. Stirring within our cosmos and ourselves are themes of expansion and desire, responsibility and boundaries, tension and excitement. As Mars and Jupiter come together in Gemini for one of our most anticipated cosmic events of the year, they simultaneously square Saturn in Pisces. And as all of this is happening, Mercury continues retracing its steps as it retrogrades back into the fire sign of Leo. It’s all speaking to us. Your weekly horoscope explains how to understand the themes happening for you.

Weekly Astrology for August 11-17

August 13: Moon Enters Sagittarius
August 14: Mars Conjunct Jupiter in Gemini; Mercury Retrograde in Leo
August 15: Mars and Jupiter Square Saturn; Moon Enters Capricorn
August 17: Moon Enters Aquarius

Mars Conjunct Jupiter in Gemini

This week invites us to look up into the cosmos. As we do so, we will be greeted with two celestial bodies dancing closer and closer until they come into an exact conjunction, or meeting, on August 14, 2024. These bodies are Mars and Jupiter in the sign of Gemini. Their coming together is filled with inspiration and insight.

In astrology, Mars is our planet of motivation. It is like a motor that is revved by passion that builds and builds until forward movement forward is inevitable. That’s movement continues until we claim and create our desires.

Jupiter, known as the planet of expansion and higher wisdom, has a frequency of abundance, growth, knowing, truths, and happiness.

Neither of these planets is subtle about its presence. As they come together, their conjunction activates, awakens, and invites us to look forward with curiosity, inspiration, and passion. This convergence, which takes place in the air sign of Gemini, also invites our minds into a state of expansion so that we are able to meet all that is being offered.

On this day, notice what arises in you. What desires are speaking to you? What has been occupying your thoughts? What feels expansive and freeing? What are you passionate about speaking, writing, or sharing? Let your weekly horoscope help you shape your response.

(Illustration: Getty Images)

Mercury Retrograde Enters Leo

Since August 5, 2024, Mercury has been in its apparent retrograde motion. As the planet continues taking its backward steps that began in the grounded earth sign of Virgo, this week it steps back into the realm of Leo.

When Mercury is in retrograde, it’s a chance for us to step back, see life through a wider lens, and observe life from outside our usual structures. As Mercury reenters Leo on August 14th, everything becomes more about the self. This transit invites a review of who we know ourselves to be. Our beliefs about who we are, what we can do, what we are worthy of experiencing, and more.

Things become more personal here. How accurately can you see yourself? Your worth? Your unique frequency and impact on those around you? Your heart and all that exists within it? It’s a retrograde of perspective. And, as Mercury travels through Leo, it is a beautiful chance to observe the narratives through which we see, move, hide, express, and identify ourselves. The narratives that tell us who we are, where we are safe to share ourselves, what we are worthy and capable of, and what love and joy look like. As we gather old perspective and new insights, we can rewrite our script.

Mars and Jupiter Square Saturn

As the two planetary bodies of Mars and Jupiter come together in Gemini, they simultaneously enter into a conversation with Saturn retrograde in Pisces. This conversation is known as a square in astrology, which is simply a 90 degree angle.

Saturn is a planet that represents everything tangible. It’s concerned with the physical world and our role in it. Its domain is that of legacy, boundaries, commitment, ambition, and discipline.

Mars and Jupiter ignite passion, inspiration, and growth whereas Saturn is here to bring maturity and responsibility to the situation and ground the energies into something real. It is here to build these ideas into something tangible, lasting, and fulfilling.

On this day, allow both of these spaces to arise within you. The expansion, passion, and excitement of a new idea and the practicality and commitment to creating this in your tangible life? What discipline, boundaries, or commitment would this way of being or vision require from you? These themes will call to you this week and throughout most of August.

Quote relating to being yourself instead of being normal.
(Illustration: Unknown)

Your Weekly Horoscope, August 11-17

While Mercury in retrograde continues to invite you to step out of your usual ways of thinking and perceiving, Mars and Jupiter invite your mind into a new place. These planets are concerned with the future, with potential, possibility, growth, and change. This combination of celestial bodies, both in retrograde and forward movement, allows for a deep shift in your beliefs, perception, and outlook. The kind of shift that changes you and the way that you live.

As Saturn enters the conversation, it brings the desire to build a new way of being that aligns with this shift and enables you to create something tangible and lasting. Your weekly horoscope can help you discern how this plays out for you.

Aries Rising

This week calls you to a new way of thinking and a new relationship with sharing your message. As Mercury retrogrades in Leo, it invites a restructuring of your relationship with creative expression, being seen and heard, and the pleasure of being you.

Taurus Rising

It’s time to embody a different understanding of your innate value, which exists even when it seems to be questioned, doubted, or unseen by another. This week, it invites you to move through the world differently as you begin to experience life from a place of worthiness.

Gemini Rising

As Mars and Jupiter come together in your sign, they initiate a complete shift in who you are in this world. This week, create space to observe what is shifting within you. Ask how you can support what is falling away in the months to come and what is unfolding as a replacement.

Cancer Rising

The sacred is calling your name this week. It’s like a door opening into the vaster realms of the unseen world. Can you feel it?Channel these insights and wisdom, as though the divine were speaking to you, through meditation, journalling, prayer, dreams, and silence.

Leo Rising

As Mercury begins its retrograde through your sign, allow yourself to take a step back. It’s a time of unravelling and unbecoming so you can expand into other yet-to-be-realized versions of yourself. What do you see? What is calling you?

Virgo Rising

There has been a shift in your career and your long-term visions that’s been calling your name for months now. This week heightens and concentrates this. What impact do you desire to make? What legacy do you desire to leave?

Libra Rising

Life is speaking directly to you this week. It is inviting you to clear your mind, tune in, and step into the conversation. It’s a week that invites bypassing perspectives that are too small for you and opening into new ways of seeing this vast existence that is calling your name.

Scorpio Rising

There is incredible strength within you. There is depth, determination, and a regenerative force that is your nature. This week invites you to draw more and more on that as you reorient your long-term visions for yourself and your legacy.

Sagittarius Rising

It’s a week inviting shifts, openings, inspiration, and change within yourself and how you relate to others and to life. Remain open to different perspectives, truths, views, belief systems, and ways of being.

Capricorn Rising

Who are you? What in your life do you treasure? As the Sun and Mercury continue to move through Leo, there is deep transformation happening beneath your surface. It’s a clarifying and transformative week in which you clear out and focus on what matters.

Aquarius Rising

It’s a week filled with creative energy that wants to express itself in the world through your unique frequency. It’s a week that invites expression, whether though your poetry, painting, playfulness, compassion, or cooking. Let this energy move through you.

Pisces Rising

You’re building yourself anew by tending to your foundation, belonging, and sense of home within yourself. Your weekly horoscope invites a transforming of patterns etched into the body from childhood and generations passed and creates space for a reclaiming of your emotional world.

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