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It’s a week where change emerges and possibility opens. But not all change is quick. First, we receive the clarity, then we experience the shifts it initiates within us. We then let it reverberate. Your weekly horoscope helps you understand how to let the change become present in the tangible.
Weekly Astrology for July 14-20
July 14 | Moon enters Scorpio
July 15 | Mars conjunct Uranus; Sun square Uranus
July 17 | Moon enters Sagittarius
July 20 | Mars enters Gemini
Mars Conjunct Uranus
Every two years, Mars and Uranus come together in a conjunction. For a moment, they become almost one as their forces join and their energies merge. Although the meeting doesn’t happen until July 15, 2024, the energy has been building for the last week and will continue until Mars leaves Taurus at the end of the week.
In astrology, Mars is primal energy. It is passion, drive, assertion, and courage. Mars takes action. It must move toward its vision, its desire, its calling.
Uranus is inspiration and vision. It is liberation, originality, intuition, and innovation. It is also change, revolution, and foresight. It looks into the future and calls us toward evolution.
Mars and Uranus conjunct in our cosmos means passion, empowerment, and clarity. It is change. It is a call for independence and a stepping away from inherited or external expectations. It is confidence, it is a reclamation of self-authority, and it is an invitation to trust in ourselves enough to do things our own way.
Both Mars and Uranus are vast and powerful energy forces. Neither are subtle in their approach. Both are bold and daring and, when untempered, potentially impatient and forceful. On this day, we have access to expansive energy, specifically in our ability to look ahead and clarify what we want and what we don’t want. Exploring our weekly horoscope can bring understanding to the expansive energy moving through our physical bodies and its need to move and to express itself.
Sun Square Chiron
Chiron will begin its retrograde in Aries next week. Yet before commencing its seemingly backward spin, it will make a final connection with the Mars and Uranus conjunction also happening on the same day and the continuation of the Sun in Cancer.
Although Chiron represents woundedness, it simultaneously represents healing. It is the medicine that we are for ourselves. It is the alchemy that occurs when we tend to our hurt with presence and love.
Supported by the vast energy of Mars and Uranus, this day is a pathway into deep inner healing. It is an invitation to embody greater confidence and trust in ourselves. And it is a reminder that we are the medicine that we need. The energy will be present throughout our entire weekly horosope and offers the space for self-reclamation, empowerment, transformation, inner alchemy, and lasting integration of what exists within us.
Mars Enters Gemini
Later in the week, as Mars continues to travel slowly away from Uranus, it crosses the threshold from Taurus into Gemini on July 20, 2024.
Whereas Mars is passion and courage, Gemini is the mind. It is curiosity, learning, variety, and openness. It is communicating and sharing our voice. And it’s an energy that loves to move—gathering perspectives, information, and data from a vast range of sources before it begins weaving them together and connecting the pieces.
Mars remains in Gemini until September 4, 2024. For these next several weeks, there is an acute attunement to data in all its forms. Everything holds within it information. An interaction. An environment. An emotion. A physical action. A word. Mars heightens our instincts while Gemini reads the information in each moment.
While Mars in is Gemini, our life force is directed toward understanding this information, whether spoken or unspoken. It is pouring drive and passion into our desire to learn and communicate, and it is supporting our use of intellect and the mind as tools to move toward our desires.
Weekly Horoscope for July 14-20
Throughout the week, there is the invitation to observe what comes into clarity. Observe what excites you. Observe what angers you. Observe what you react to and where you are feeling. Observe what changes are calling your name. Observe your instincts and how they communicate with you. Observe your interests. Observe your sense of self-authority. And observe what begins to shift.
This is a week to observe what shifts are wanting to take place. Let the awareness continue to deepen with time and become a compass throughout your life. It invites you to create space for patience. Look to your weekly horoscope for your rising sign to understand more specific shifts and invitations.
Aries Rising
This week invites space for expansion in your confidence, worthiness, embodiment and intuition. It’s also brings healing to your relationship with desire, authority, intention, and your sense of belonging and security in the world. Allow yourself much spaciousness and grace while these inner shifts take place.
Taurus Rising
As Mars and Uranus come together in your sign, there are new doors opening. This week, your body is the portal and your intuition is the map. As Mars shifts into Gemini before the week closes, it initiates a commitment to building safety, security, and wealth in your reality.
Gemini Rising
Intuition, guidance, and knowing can be found by surrendering to mystery this week. They can be found in silence, retreat, and devotion to whatever the sacred might mean to you. In these spaces, there is medicine offering healing toward your sense of belonging, security, safety, and embodiment.
Cancer Rising
Look ahead. Play with possibility. Open doors. Let in inspiration. Dream a little wider. Your weekly horoscope is a doorway for possibilities and hopes to begin pouring into the now and become a little louder. It also offers healing toward your comfort and confidence in being seen, taking up space, owning your desires, and being your own authority.
Leo Rising
Do you feel held? Like you belong? Supported by something vaster? This week invites you to lean into these questions and to let the answers come from beyond your mind. It’s a week filled with reminders that you are loved, guided, and held in each moment by something beyond the tangible.
Virgo Rising
There are new ideas being planted in your mind this week. And there are new doors opening to vaster perspectives, greater wisdom, and deeper insight. It’s a week initiating a new conversation between yourself and life as well as yourself and your unconscious. As Mars enters Gemini, it begins new energy and passion toward your legacy, long-term building, and career.
Libra Rising
There is depth available this week, and from this depth, an opportunity to witness yourself in an entirely new way. There’s opportunity for self-reclamation, self-empowerment, and self-authority. There’s healing and transformation taking place with your relationship patterns, ownership of desires, and sense of confidence and independence.
Scorpio Rising
It’s a week to reclaim your self-authority in all your relationships. To witness what needs to change in the way you interact with others, whether friendships, partnerships, or collaborative relationships. And it’s a week to tend to your body with love and presence, for the more you make a home in your body, the more you feel at home with your life.
Sagittarius Rising
Part of why you are here is to create and to express what exists within you to the world and feel the pleasure in that process. Your weekly horoscope brings healing to your self-expression. Tending to the foundations of your health, well-being, and habits is a big part of that healing.
Capricorn Rising
A new idea, vision, expression, and creative potential is landing deep within you. You can nurture this bybringing healing deep into your body and heart. As Mars enters Gemini, the next month invites you to direct your energy into habits and movements that support your overall well-being.
Aquarius Rising
What lives within you? This week invites a cracking open of anything within you that holds authority over you, including old patterns, beliefs, and ways of being beneath the surface. This week is your portal into your inner child to reclaim your direction, your mind, and your creative expression.
Pisces Rising
Open your mind. Let it play in the realm of possibility and slowly rearrange the way you see yourself and the world. There is healing calling your name in the space of your self-worth, safety, and belonging. There is healing as your weekly horoscope invites you to land more deeply in your body, in your gifts, and in your tangible world.
RELATED: Your Weekly Horoscope, July 21-27: Reclaiming Your Truest Self
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