The Ultimate Guide to all Sloww Podcasts

Sloww Podcasts

This page lists all my podcast appearances, the date and name of the podcast, what I talked about (show notes), and when I talked about it (time stamps).

All in all, this post is the ultimate guide to all Sloww podcasts!

Sloww Podcasts

The Ultimate Guide to all Sloww Podcasts

Podcast Playlists

Podcasts (by Date)

Podcasts (by Topic)

Sloww Stage Support (Lifelong Learning & Deeper Development):

Explore more: Sloww Stage Support (Lifelong Learning & Deeper Development): How do I develop by learning?

Lifelong learning, inquiring, reading, synthesizing, etc:

  • The Nick Daigler Podcast: Inquiring and thinking as the common foundation of everything, living inquiry (living life as inquiry), aligning intuition and articulation (5:27); Transformative Learning Theory process, perspective transformation, the flywheel cycle from questioning to learning to developing, the whole purpose of lifelong learning is deeper development (12:53); Personal knowledge management, Sloww as public commonplace book, new Synthesizer course (27:40); The learning is in service of the living (33:46).
  • “What Got You There” Podcast #337: The biggest ideas I’ve come across so far, taking an interdisciplinary approach to learning (25:30); What the learning process looks like, different types of learning, how my mind works, personal knowledge management, second brain vs first brain, overview of the Synthesizer course, quality as a byproduct of quantity (29:00); The synthesizing mind, taking an interdisciplinary approach (41:00); Influential people and books (55:00).
  • “The Pathless Path” Podcast #143: Thinking itself as a passion, writing to help thinking, synthesizing and dot connecting across themes/patterns, lifelong learning, quality as a byproduct of quantity (45:00); Where Sloww fits in your info diet, creating online courses starting with the Synthesizer course (1:03:30).
  • “Curious Humans” Podcast: Interdisciplinary learning, being a “bad” reader growing up, How to Read a Book (Mortimer Adler), dialectical objectivity, coming to terms with authors (1:06:00); Novel synthesis, reaching the end of the internet on a subject (1:12:30); What question is most alive for me right now (1:26:30).
  • “The Knowledge” Podcast #56: Reading as my worst subject growing up, starting lifelong learning with what you are most interested in, interdisciplinary dot connecting, Synthesizer course, quality as a byproduct of quantity, reading, notetaking (1:18:00).
  • “Through Conversations” Podcast #57: Being open to ask any question, 5 Whys, my childhood, synthesizing mind, interdisciplinary approach (22:00); Asking open and honest questions, transformative learning & disorienting dilemmas, being honest with myself, fears & weaknesses (43:00).
  • “Through Conversations” Podcast #95: Suffering, transformative learning, questioning starts everything, living the questions, all of the learning is in service of the living (27:05); Synthesizer course, synthesizing mind, AI (40:15).
  • “Elevating Consciousness” Podcast #47: Lifelong learning and deeper development, flywheel of questioning to learning to developing (40:00); Learning is in service of living, training ground and playing field are one and the same (1:22:50); Synthesizer course (1:37:15).

Human Development & Sloww Stages:

  • “Audience of One” Podcast #010: Why I’m more optimistic about the future than most, The Lessons of History by Will & Ariel Durant, This is Water by David Foster Wallace, the rising tide of psychological development collectively, adult learning as a means to adult development, Ken Wilber’s Integral Theory and how technology runs ahead of culture (35:00); How the Sloww Stages came about, lifelong learning as support for all stages, Stage 1 intentional living, Stage 2 life purpose, Stage 3 mental mastery (the mind), Stage 4 spiritual growth/timeless wisdom (beyond mind), holons/holarchy, Maslow’s holarchy of needs, transcending and including (or development is envelopment), end-of-history illusion, unfolding and connecting dots looking back (38:00).
  • “The Knowledge” Podcast #56: Education, 5 Whys, meta-crisis, relationship with our minds, Ego Development Theory, purpose, hero’s journey, transformative learning, lottery of birth, the paradox of conditioning and identity (32:45); Interconnected knowledge network of the mind, Robert Sapolsky and human behavior, the interconnected web reaching from ancestry to today (41:30); Memetic immune system (Daniel Schmachtenberger), human development theories, fear of disappointing parents, self-worth directly tied to work, developing a new relationship with your mind (1:34:30).
  • “Curious Humans” Podcast: Human development theories, Ken Wilber’s Integral Theory, Robert Kegan’s theory of adult development and subject-object theory, how Susanne Cook-Greuter’s Ego Development Theory works, how the Sloww stages map to EDT (35:00); The Extended Mind (Annie Murphy Paul), polarity thinking (Beena Sharma), how Ken Wilber learned to write by copying Alan Watts’ books, AI as a catalyst for human development (1:00:00).
  • The Nick Daigler Podcast: Sloww Stages, questioning by stage (“How do I develop by learning?” “How do I design a lighter life?” “How do I find a higher purpose?” etc) (4:08); Ego Development Theory, why I resonate so much with EDT, subject-object relationship, more seeing and more compassion, horizontal vs vertical development (15:48); Psychological deaths of how you previously identified yourself (34:57).
  • “Elevating Consciousness” Podcast #47: Ego Development Theory, sense of self, Nora Bateson’s thoughts on developmental stage theories (50:45);, what is the meta-crisis, why the meta-crisis is a me-crisis (1:09:30).

Sloww Stage 1 (Intentional Living):

Explore more: Sloww Stage 1 (Intentional Living): How do I design a lighter life?

Intentional living, slow living, simple living, etc:

  • “The Knowledge” Podcast #56: How language impacts your thinking, relationship with time, glorification of busy & busy as a badge of honor, slow living mythbusting, Greg McKeown (Essentialism), busy life vs full life (1:00:00); Minimalism mythbusting, embracing trade-offs, four burners theory (1:07:00).
  • “What Got You There” Podcast #337: What intentional living means to me, my lifestyle design, figuring out “enough,” discovering the FIRE movement (15:00); A busy life vs a full life, prioritizing all the projects that have emerged over the years (58:00).
  • “Curious Humans” Podcast: Slow living myth busting, busy life vs full life, The Quest of the Simple Life (W.J. Dawson), meta-crisis, our relationship with our minds (1:14:45).

Money, entrepreneurship, lifestyle design, financial independence:

  • “The Pathless Path” Podcast #143: Money scripts, leaving money/lifestyle behind, finally pursuing the entrepreneurial path, wife/parental support, work vs play (28:00); 6 months of decompression time after quitting career, evolving relationship with money, imposter syndrome, aversion is the flip side of greed (34:15); Personal development before business development, discovering d-commerce (as opposed to e-commerce), the continually unfolding process, the transformative learning journey (48:00); Surprising trade-offs, starting as an audience of one, no praise/criticism, structuring your day, nothing gets done if you don’t do it, hidden upsides (58:30).
  • “Audience of One” Podcast #010: Entrepreneurial dreams, my other side project that I put on the backburner to pursue Sloww (11:30); Intentional living, finances/money, why Sloww is named “Sloww,” work as self-worth, funding the fun, building an entrepreneurial runway, discovering the FIRE movement, entrepreneurial math, evolving relationship with money, imposter syndrome (15:30); Conversations with my wife about intentional living, money, quitting career, and pursuing entrepreneurship (24:30).
  • “What Got You There” Podcast #337: Typical day, timeblocking, wasn’t a reader growing up, thinking behind the work (19:00); “Web of goals” lifestyle design from Jacob Lund Fisker (Early Retirement Extreme), entrepreneurial math (23:00); Dealing with imposter syndrome, evolving relationship with money, work attached to my self-worth, why I have multiple books/projects going at the same time, going with the flow of life (51:30); Pursuing entre-/solopreneurship, how to think about money (1:00:00).
  • “The Knowledge” Podcast #56: Pursuing entrepreneurship, job crafting, entrepreneurial math, FIRE movement, Jacob Lund Fisker (Early Retirement Extreme), cutting expenses by 30%, Vicki Robin (Your Money or Your Life) (51:00); Picking projects as a solopreneur, projects emerging, prioritizing projects based on intrinsic energy and aliveness, how Sloww products emerged naturally (1:24:30); How I structure my time, timeblocking / timeboxing, planning fallacy, reading multiple books at the same time (1:29:30).
  • “Elevating Consciousness” Podcast #47: Money and meaning, monetizing meaning as a byproduct, meaning/purpose before money/profit, volume vs price, building a portfolio of products, ramping down spending while ramping up monetization, conscious capitalism, transition from corporate to entrepreneur, entrepreneurial runway, no option B, imposter syndrome, when did I think Sloww would work (1:30); Challenge of taking a holistic, generalist approach (30:30); Start with purpose, work vs play, job crafting, pathless path (43:45).
  • “Curious Humans” Podcast: My evolving relationship with money, attempting to “fund the fun,” building an “entrepreneurial runway,” discovering the FIRE movement, Vicki Robin (Your Money or Your Life), Jacob Lund Fisker (Early Retirement Extreme), the beauty of “entrepreneurial math,” job crafting vs entrepreneurship (29:30).
  • The Nick Daigler Podcast: Describing yourself and what you do, imposter syndrome, pathless path vs entrepreneurship, choosing what to focus on in entrepreneurship, trial and error, “failed” business ideas (38:42).

Sloww Stage 2 (Life Purpose):

Explore more: Sloww Stage 2 (Life Purpose): How do I find a higher purpose?

Existential crisis & cognitive dissonance:

  • “The Pathless Path” Podcast #143: Pre-existential crisis, when a hard work ethic comes back to bite you, burnout plus purposelessness, existential crisis, asking all the questions (13:45); Company/brand “purpose-washing,” the irony of having an existential crisis while my day job was being paid to reinvent the brand I was working on (17:15); Paul reads a quote from my crisis, “total work” philosophy, the vicious cycle of jumping jobs (20:00); “How to have an existential crisis” doc, discovering intentional living for the first time, trying to reset my perspective on life (22:30); 2.5 years of cognitive dissonance post-crisis, growing disconnect between what I was learning vs how I was living (25:45); Existential crisis is still the spark/fuel 8 years later, everything is connected with everything else, the art of living, end of history illusion (43:00).
  • “Curious Humans” Podcast: Existential crisis, busyness plus purposelessness, pre-crisis vs post-crisis, stumbling into a marketing major and career, disorienting dilemmas, the irony of reinventing a brand while having a personal crisis, starting to ask all the questions, zombified state, nervous system (6:45); The state of my mind in my crisis, psychological development, 30 years of not questioning, my mind prioritizing passion/purpose vs money/materialism, how did my mind become my mind, asking questions and not pre-judging the answers, meeting life face-to-face, 5 Whys (14:30); Discovering intentional living, 2.5 years of increasing cognitive dissonance, starting Sloww, using Sloww as an acronym, shifting from an external focus in life to an internal focus, interdisciplinary approach to learning (19:00).
  • “What Got You There” Podcast #337: Evolution of my mindset, stumbling into my marketing career, existential crisis, year of cognitive dissonance (32:30); Detailing my existential crisis, why 2023 is a better time to experience a crisis than 2015, personality tests, getting to know yourself psychologically (36:00); What happened after the crisis, 2.5 years of cognitive dissonance, finding purpose, entrepreneurial dreams, background in graphic design, stumbling into marketing in college, how everything converged, taking the leap into solopreneurship (43:00); Advice if you’re in your own crisis, crises throughout history, transformative learning (47:00).
  • “Audience of One” Podcast #010: Leading up to existential crisis, the 6-week crisis itself (4:00); The following 2.5 years of increasing cognitive dissonance, asking all the questions but not having any of the answers, dying inside by early 2018 (7:30); The difference between a crisis in 2015 vs 2023, not having a lot of examples/guides in 2015, are crises more common today, are more people looking for purpose/meaning (30:00).
  • “Through Conversations” Podcast #57: Introduction, background, trajectory, existential crisis (0:00); Pre-crisis & post-crisis, question & answer phase, deeper dissection of the crisis, why it’s better to have a crisis today (10:30); 2.5 years of cognitive dissonance, finally taking the leap into entrepreneurship (15:30).
  • The Nick Daigler Podcast: Existential crisis, succeeding on paper but failing the most important subject of life, killing myself with work, disorienting dilemmas, 6 months of burnout + purposelessness followed by a 6-week acute existential crisis (7:02).

Knowing thyself psychologically, purpose, & ikigai:

  • The Nick Daigler Podcast: Passions/obsessions of thinking and inquiring, passion as what you can’t not do (0:37); The question of “Who am I?” as the common theme of the journey, evolution of that question and answer (2:20); Ikigai 2.0, mythbusting ikigai, figuring out purpose, job crafting, business development as byproduct of personal development, getting to know thyself psychologically (50:00); Pausing and listening to life, being aware and paying attention, 5 Whys, anticipation vs reflection (1:05:00).
  • “The Knowledge” Podcast #56: Chicken and egg of personality type, pathless path, good quitting vs bad quitting (13:00); Asking questions, busyness plus purposelessness, getting to know yourself psychologically (20:00); The ikigai meme and mythbusting, synthesizing mind, the Ikigai 2.0 model and process, money as a byproduct (44:00).
  • “Through Conversations” Podcast #57: Being vs Becoming, who am I?, knowing thyself psychologically & spiritually (7:45); Psychological development, how development connects to purpose, ikigai vs Ikigai 2.0 (50:00).
  • “Audience of One” Podcast #010: Life purpose, ikigai, Ikigai 2.0 breakdown, checks and balances when finding purpose, money as an optional byproduct of meaning, job crafting (45:00).
  • “What Got You There” Podcast #337: Work vs Play, why passion matters, money as a byproduct of purpose, myth-busting purpose (1:00); My purpose and the evolution (4:30); Why ikigai isn’t really ikigai, a walkthrough of Ikigai 2.0 (6:00).

Sloww Stage 3 (Mental Mastery):

Explore more: Sloww Stage 3 (Mental Mastery): How do I build a better mind?

Childhood conditioning/socialization:

  • “The Pathless Path” Podcast #143: Stories and scripts I grew up with, getting to know myself, dissecting my socialization/conditioning, how I ended up on the default path, fear of disappointing parents/others, a bit about my parents and childhood, the hard work ethic script, being good at something vs loving it, being a “good quitter” (1:45); Background in graphic design, graduating from college, no internships, no rush to start a career, stumbling into a marketing career, waking up 7-10 years later wondering how I ever got into it in the first place, inversion & counterfactual thinking (10:00); Humanizing Sloww, getting out there more, realizing my personal story is interesting, balancing learning and living (53:30).
  • “What Got You There” Podcast #337: How my marketing career actually helped me, the initial idea of Sloww, discovering intentional living, living and learning the hard way with lifestyle inflation (10:30); The importance of reflection and connecting the dots by looking back (50:00).
  • “Audience of One” Podcast #010: My background in graphic design through high school, stumbling into a marketing career after college, not questioning anything in my life until 2015 (0:00).
  • “Curious Humans” Podcast: Childhood curiosity and imagination, growing up shy and quiet, pursuing graphic design, not growing up a reader (2:30).

Birth Lottery & Free will:

  • “Audience of One” Podcast #010: Lottery of birth overview, childhood amnesia, testing everything against my lived experience, the strangest thing, validating all this for yourself, Livewired by David Eagleman, socialization/conditioning, implications of all this, Creating Freedom by Raoul Martinez, universal/unconditional compassion, myth of ultimate responsibility, realization/understanding vs belief (55:00); Agency and free will, does it even matter, why it changes everything, why lack of free will is liberating vs limiting, how awareness of something changes your relationship with it, Kegan’s theory of adult development and subject-object theory, false dichotomy of determinism vs free will, the holy shit moment, Behave by Robert Sapolsky (1:08:00).
  • “Curious Humans” Podcast: Lottery of birth, ovarian lottery, original position (or veil of ignorance) thought experiment, the strangest thing, everyone is other-created before they are ever self-created (46:30).

Sloww Stage 4 (Spiritual Seeing):

Explore more: Sloww Stage 4 (Spiritual Seeing): How do I see beyond mind?

  • “Elevating Consciousness” Podcast #47: Spirituality vs religion, seeing beyond mind, spiritual translator/spiritual synthesizer, creating common ground and coming to terms, creating a better map or finger pointing at the moon, Wise Walk (1:24:30); Thoughts on anger, there’s no such thing as wrong experience, we see behavior but not experience, are people always doing their best (1:45:30).
  • “The Knowledge” Podcast #56: Being raised religious, spiritual baggage, spirituality vs religion, coming to terms with authors (24:30); Daniel Kahneman on money, The Psychology of Money (Morgan Housel), question everything, be open to anything, life is just happening/unfolding, determinism and unpredictability, listening to life, wu wei, Tao Te Ching (Lao Tzu), awareness changes relationships (1:11:30).
  • “Audience of One” Podcast #010: What I’m seeking, life is just happening/unfolding, do you live life or does life live you, Alan Watts on sailing vs rowing, Michael Singer on surrender (1:22:30).

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