If I only had… – Simple Living Daily

If I only had... - Simple Living Daily

If I only had that piece of clothing.

If I only had that nice vacation.

If I only had that relationship with that person.

If I only had that job title.

If I only had that next thing…

One More Thing

We are always “one” thing away from being happy. If we only had it, then life would be good.

But we all know that as soon as we get that thing, there would be something else that takes its place. Humans have a habit of overestimating the happiness our desires will bring us. And once when finally get that one more thing, we inevitably become discontent again.

Sometimes it takes a few minutes and sometimes a few months, but we ALWAYS go back to our emotional baseline. This baseline is the average level of happiness that we experience as we go about our day.

Do you have “one more thing” that you have been thinking about recently?

Or a better question, what other “one more things” have you had in the last 12 months? As you reflect on those things, you’ll quickly see that it’s a fruitless endeavor to try to seek after them.

What You Already Have

When you find yourself desiring your current “one more thing,” instead, think about what you already have. Shift your focus from desire to content. From future to present.

To truly improve your life, your best bet is to increase your emotional baseline. This, of course, is not done through acquiring things. Your baseline is improved by improving YOU:

  • Develop a habit of gratitude. You can create a gratitude journal or simply make an intentional effort to focus on the blessings of your life.
  • Practice mindfulness. Through practices like meditation and focused breathing, you can become more mindful. Becoming more mindful has studied benefits to your emotional well-being.
  • Exercise your body. Your body and mind are explicitly linked to one another. An inactive body will lead to an agitated mind. Regular exercise will make you happier and healthier.

It’s okay to have “one more things.” But the key is understanding what they actually are – one more desire.

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