A Guide to Getting Started On Becoming A Therapist — Therapy for Black Girls

A Guide to Getting Started On Becoming A Therapist — Therapy for Black Girls

Some of you may know that July is one of my favorite months of the year, and that’s because it’s when we observe Minority Mental Health Awareness Month. This year, we’ve chosen the theme, Holding Space for Healers, putting the spotlight on the therapists and all those who’ve dedicated their careers to holding space for others. All month long, you can expect conversations centered around the experiences and perspectives of mental health professionals.

To kick the month off, we’re sharing a compilation of some of the greatest gems, tips, and insights from our 3-part “Becoming a Therapist” series. You’ll hear from my accomplished and brilliant colleagues — Josephine Ampaw Greene, Dr. Kimberly Applewhite, Dr. D’Andria Jackson, and Dr. Donna Oriowo – as they share their advice on navigating the licensure process, doing the internal work necessary before seeing clients, some of the practical and financial concerns involved with being a therapist, and what it looks like to take care of yourself outside of your work as a therapist.

About the Podcast

The Therapy for Black Girls Podcast is a weekly conversation with Dr. Joy Harden Bradford, a licensed Psychologist in Atlanta, Georgia, about all things mental health, personal development, and all the small decisions we can make to become the best possible versions of ourselves.

Resources & Announcements

Grab your copy of Sisterhood Heals.

Join us in Atlanta on July 18th &19th for our Inaugural Therapist Summit. This is an incredible opportunity to gather to learn more about things like scaling your practice through PR and getting a book deal as a mental health professional. There will also be lots of time to connect with colleagues. Learn more and register to join us HERE.

Where to Find Our Guests

Dr. Kimberly Applewhite



Dr. D’Andria Jackson



Dr. Donna Oriowo




Josephine Ampaw Greene





Stay Connected

Is there a topic you’d like covered on the podcast? Submit it at therapyforblackgirls.com/mailbox.

If you’re looking for a therapist in your area, check out the directory at https://www.therapyforblackgirls.com/directory.

Take the info from the podcast to the next level by joining us in the Therapy for Black Girls Sister Circle community.therapyforblackgirls.com

Grab your copy of our guided affirmation and other TBG Merch at therapyforblackgirls.com/shop.

The hashtag for the podcast is #TBGinSession.

Make sure to follow us on social media:

Twitter: @therapy4bgirls

Instagram: @therapyforblackgirls

Facebook: @therapyforblackgirls

Our Production Team

Executive Producers: Dennison Bradford & Maya Cole Howard

Producer: Ellice Ellis

Production Assistant: Zariah Taylor

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