Finding Radical Wholeness by Ken Wilber (Book Summary)

Finding Radical Wholeness by Ken Wilber (Book Summary)

This is a book summary of Finding Radical Wholeness: The Integral Path to Unity, Growth, and Delight by Ken Wilber (Amazon).

Finding Radical Wholeness book by Ken Wilber

Quick Housekeeping:

  • All content in “quotation marks” is from the author (otherwise it’s paraphrased).
  • All content is organized into my own themes (not the author’s chapters).
  • Emphasis has been added in bold for readability/skimmability.

Book Summary Contents:

Finding Radical Wholeness Ken WilberFinding Radical Wholeness Ken Wilber

The Integral Path: Finding Radical Wholeness by Ken Wilber (Book Summary)

About the Book Finding Radical Wholeness

This is a book about Wholeness. I’m capitalizing ‘Wholeness’ because I want to give it a certain weight. In fact, I claim—and will try to convince you—that discovering a genuine Wholeness is actually the meaning of a real spirituality, and thus it can offer you a genuine meaning and purpose to your life.”

  • “In this book, you will find ways to fully discover a real Wholeness in the midst of your life and see the profound difference that it can make for your own being and awareness.”
  • “What we will be directly exploring in this book is a knowledge by acquaintance—a direct experience—of Wholeness, and although this ultimate Unity consciousness will be described (an explanation), you will need to directly experience this Wholeness yourself to actually know what it means.”
  • “If there were one point alone that I would like you to take from this book, it would be ‘You have to know where to look for Wholeness.’ The vast majority of people in this world have very little Wholeness in their lives because nobody ever showed them where to look for it.”
  • 5 different types of Wholeness: Waking Up, Growing Up, Opening Up, Cleaning Up, and Showing Up … If you put all of these types of Wholeness together, you will have what could be called a wildly inclusive ‘Big Wholeness’ … There is, today, no system of growth anywhere in the world that includes all 5 of these types of Wholeness … Genuine Wholeness—Big Wholeness—makes room for everything in your life, much of which right now might not be included.”
  • Growing Up (a Wholeness that becomes obvious when you include all the important levels in your life), Opening Up (including all the important lines), Cleaning Up (including all the shadow elements), Waking Up (including all the important states), and Showing Up (including all the quadrants).”

Waking Up

Waking Up is a baseline position for those who want a deep, extensive, and even absolute experience of Wholeness, and it has probably had a more profound impact on human history than any other experience that has ever occurred … The Wholeness that Waking Up provides is about the largest Wholeness you can think of—it’s almost as big as ‘big’ can get—short of a truly Big Wholeness.”

  • Waking Up systems maintain two things about the ultimate goal of Awakening: (1) everybody fully possesses right now the already Enlightened or fully Awakened Mind (of pure Wholeness), but (2) virtually nobody is aware of it.”
  • “These ‘spiritual but not religious’ experiences can ground a type of interior science, which takes nothing on belief or as dogma but rather bases its claims on direct experience and evidence, and asks you to believe nothing that you haven’t verified for yourself.”
  • “Generally speaking, the path of Waking Up had a single major goal. It started with the average state of consciousness of a typical human being, which was said to be narrow, limited, fragmented, and marked by inherent suffering, anxiety, and torment—a state that generally was said to involve what is called the ‘separate-self sense,’ ‘self-contraction,’ the ‘illusory self,’ the ‘fallen self,’ the ‘dreaming self,’ or simply the ‘ego’ (none of them complimentary terms). The goal of Waking Up was, through the direct experimental practices of meditation, contemplation, or yoga, to transform consciousness from that limited and contracted state through several much more inclusive, open, and free states, to a genuine Wholeness, a pure Nonduality, an ultimate Unity consciousness or Kosmic consciousness, an absolute Oneness with the entire universe.”
  • Waking Up, the claim went, deals not with relative truth but with ultimate Truth. Ultimate Truth does not deal with a particular being or group of beings; it deals with Being itself, with a capital B—the Ground of All Being, spaceless and therefore infinite, timeless and therefore eternal, and a groundless Ground that underlies every relative truth in existence but is not itself a relative truth (and thus is not detectable by ordinary, external science but only by an interior, meditative science).”
  • In Waking Up, the claim (metaphorically) is that we are directly realizing a Oneness with ultimate Reality itself—a direct experience of being one with the Divine, one with Spirit, one with our own highest and deepest Ground of Being, one with the Great Perfection. Waking Up directly increases the territory of your self by moving you through various dimensions of increasing wholeness until you reach a radical Oneness with the entire universe.”

Waking Up state-stages:

The major states of consciousness become the major stages of meditation, because a person’s central identity starts out confined to the typical ego-dominated waking state, and with increasing meditation, it ends up traversing all of the state-stages in consciousness, resulting in a pure Awakening of ultimate Unity consciousness. I refer to this sequence of state-stages, in whole or part, as Waking Up.”

  1. Gross state (or gross thinking, ego, monkey mind; incessant, internal, mental chattering): Many traditions just call this ‘the waking state,’ which means the ordinary, conventional, or ‘illusory’ state of waking awareness (almost all of the major meditative traditions maintain that this egoic state is the direct cause of the pain and suffering inherent in the human condition—certainly in its fallen, ignorant, or unenlightened state).
  2. Subtle state (Awareness): This state starts to move beyond gross thinking to a thought-free Awareness, where the ego is dropped and there is instead a very ‘subtle personality’ (marked by the luminosity of the subtle personality, which Integral identifies as being not the ego but the soul).
  3. Causal state (Awareness Itself): This is a pure Awareness that sheds all gross and subtle phenomena and is plugged into the core, background, spacetime matrix of the entire universe (often intuited in the pure formless Silence between thoughts).
  4. Turiya / Witness (Boundless Changeless Awareness): Pure, timeless Witness, (the sense of pure I Amness, an ever-present Awareness and not any content of Awareness).
  5. Turiyatita / One Taste (Nondual Awakened Awareness): Pure nondual Suchness or Thusness, ultimate Unity consciousness, or One Taste—an ultimate Oneness or Nonduality (the direct realization of this radical state is known as Enlightenment, Awakening, Metamorphosis, Fana, Moksha, Satori, the Great Liberation, the Supreme Identity).

Growing Up

“Growing Up does not involve the Real Self or ultimate Truth; it unfolds in the relative world of space and time and growth and development—in other words, it evolvesThe relative world is engaged in an ongoing process of Growing Up, a developmental or evolutionary process that continuously creates greater and greater complexity, unity, and consciousness, constantly replacing specific lacks with greater wholeness.”

Growing Up stages:

The structure-stage of Growing Up that a person is at will tend to determine how they think and feel about everything else … In Growing Up, you are increasing the number of other perspectives with which you can identify.”

4-stage simplified model:

  1. Egocentric (20-30%) — “me”
  2. Ethnocentric (60-70%) — “us”
  3. Worldcentric (10-20%) — “all of us”
  4. Integrated (5-10%) — “all perspectives combined and integrated”

6-to-8 structure-stages of Growing Up:

  • “There are now some two dozen major models of Growing Up that attempt to describe those various levels of development. If you put them all next to each other, you’ll notice that there are around 6-to-8 major levels or stages of development that keep showing up in almost all the models (archaic, magic, mythic, rational, pluralistic, integral) … In my book Integral Psychology, I looked at over one hundred developmental models, in order to help create an Integral Metatheory using all of them (🔒 there are charts of all one hundred models in the back of the book)—and you can see these same basic levels repeatedly showing up in all of them.”
Structures Stages Lines Ken Wilber Finding Radical WholenessStructures Stages Lines Ken Wilber Finding Radical Wholeness

Growing Up interprets Waking Up (structures interpret states):

“You can have a profound Waking Up experience (in a state of consciousness) at virtually any one of the stages of Growing Up (in a structure of consciousness) … You can think of Growing Up as the major process used to interpret our worldEverybody interprets their experience according to the structure-stage of Growing Up that they are at.”

· Waking up states: 1st-person experiences (direct experiences); knowledge by acquaintance (immediate awareness); the experience is timeless and eternal; offers an ultimate Truth (and an infinite Wholeness).

· Growing Up structures: 3rd-person explanations (objective realities); knowledge by description (words & concepts); the explanation exists in the world of time and evolution where it can unfold and develop; offers a relative truth (and a finite Wholeness).

  • Waking Up tells you virtually nothing about the relative world of Growing Up, and Waking Up always gives that totalistic ‘one with everything’ feeling that is constant and doesn’t change. Oneness is oneness—it is everywhere said to be a ‘boundless, changeless’ awareness, which represents the timeless ‘Oneness’ or the eternal ‘Unity’ in ‘ultimate Unity consciousness,’ but the way that it is interpreted grows and changes with Growing Up.”
  • The stage you are at in Growing Up determines how you interpret and make sense of any experience that you have—and that includes any Waking Up experience (or any spiritual experience). This changes everything.”
  • The structures of a person’s Growing Up determines how they will interpret any experience they have. This means that they will interpret any spiritual experiences of Waking Up that they have according to whatever stage of Growing Up they are at.”
  • “All of our experiences—including our spiritual experiences of Waking Up—will be interpreted or explained by the structure-stage of Growing Up that we are at, which profoundly changes our entire view of spirituality itself.”
  • “Any genuinely Big Wholeness should include both Waking Up and Growing Up (not to mention Opening Up, Cleaning Up, and Showing Up). And the stage of Growing Up that you are at will determine how you interpret or explain all of them.”

Having the highest states of Waking Up interpreted by the highest stages of Growing Up (that is, turiyatita One Taste interpreted by turquoise Integral) is indeed an ideal situation.”

Showing Up

Showing Up is defined as ‘showing up for all the important perspectives and dimensions in the universe,’ that is, all 4 quadrantsIn order to Show Up, you can’t leave out any of the perspectives when it comes to your own approach to Spirit or Reality in general—in other words, you want to Show Up for all of these major perspectives and the very real dimensions that they disclose … Showing Up means to fully acknowledge, and totally inhabit, all 4 quadrants of existence—to not try to deny, ignore, or reduce any of them to the others but to see all of them as equally real, equally important, and equally tetra-evolving and tetra-enacting.”

Four Quadrants (Dimensions/Perspectives):

“When the universe blew into existence, it didn’t involve just a large number of physical forces … it also involved the fundamental distinctions of individual and collective (singular and plural) and interior and exterior (subjective prehension and objective space/time). These are different ways that the universe—the self-organizing universe—sees itself and is aware of itself. It involves all 4 quadrants … We call quadrants ‘dimension/perspectives’—they are real dimensions with real perspectives … The four basic dimensions/perspectives that all humans have access to.”

  • Upper-Left Quadrant (‘I’, 1st person singular, subjective dimension): ‘I,’ ‘me,’ ‘mine’ (the interior of an individual subjective reality).
  • Lower-Left Quadrant (‘we’, 1st person plural or 2nd person, intersubjective dimension): ‘we,’ ‘us,’ ‘our,’ ‘ours’ (the interior of a collective or an intersubjective reality).
  • Upper-Right Quadrant (‘it’, 3rd person, individual objective dimension): the person or thing being spoken about (he, him, his, she, her, hers, it, its).
  • Lower-Right Quadrant (‘its’, 3rd person, collective interobjective dimension): the plural form of the 3rd person (they, them, theirs, its).
Quadrants Ken Wilber Finding Radical WholenessQuadrants Ken Wilber Finding Radical Wholeness

Quadrant characteristics:

“The quadrants are so fundamental because they involve two of the most fundamental oppositions in all of existence—inside versus outside (or subject versus object) and individual versus collective (or singular versus plural). We can’t find one of those pairs without its opposite—subjects always arise and exist with objects, and individuals always arise and exist with collectives. This is why the 4 quadrants go ‘all the up, all the way down,’ and why so many other systems depend on or even include them.”

  • Subject/Object & Singular/Plural: Wherever there is an object reality (the exterior of an individual or collective holon), there is a subject reality (the interior of an individual or collective holon) … You can’t have subjects without objects, and individual holons always exist in various groups or collective holons … It arises as a subject with various objects, and in an individual holon inextricably interwoven with a group or collective holon.
  • Wholeness/nonduality: The interior and the exterior are basically two different dimensions of the same underlying Wholeness (or Nonduality) … All 4 quadrants are manifestations of a genuinely nondual Reality. Moment to moment, nondual Spirit manifests the entire relative world, and when it does, it does so as all 4 quadrants simultaneously … Everything in the world is arising within you, and you are indeed literally one with all of it. This is the true meaning of nonduality—the subject and the object, your self and its entire environment, the seer and everything seen, you and the entire world, are fully ‘not two,’ a state of Wholeness that is truly all-inclusive, a genuinely perfect Oneness.
  • Irreducible & Interconnected: There is a constant attempt to try to reduce one quadrant to another, and Integral maintains that’s not possible … Integral has always said ‘Yes’ to the irreducible reality of all 4 quadrants … Brains (Upper Right) go with minds (Upper Left), minds go with cultures (Lower Left), and brains exist in ecological systems (Lower Right). All 4 quadrants are deeply interwoven … Every reality in the Upper Right quadrant has some sort of correlate in the Lower Right quadrant, just as every reality in the Upper Left quadrant has one or more correlates in the Lower Left quadrant … Any spiritual states in the Left-hand quadrants will have material correlates in the Right-hand quadrants (even a satori lights up the brain).
  • Tetra-enacting & tetra-arising: The 4 quadrants arise together, evolve together, and tetra-enact each other … Every phenomenon in the real world always involves all 4 quadrants, perfectly tetra-enacting and tetra-evolving.

Can you photograph/videotape it?

Left-hand, interior holons, 1st person subject: can be experienced but nothing in the interior dimensions of the Left-hand quadrants can be videotaped or photographed; you cannot put your finger on anything in your mind.

Right-hand, exterior holons, 3rd person object: exteriors exist in an objective, seen-from-without, 3rd-person, material dimension; you can photograph/videotape them or put your finger right on them (in many cases actually touch them).

Cleaning Up

Cleaning Up = the nature of the psychodynamic unconscious, the nature of repression, the nature of the shadow, and the various therapies to address, and even heal, those dysfunctions.

“With Cleaning Up, we are talking about emotions that are actually repressed, emotions (or any mental qualities) that are deliberately denied, pathologically dissociated, disowned, and defensively sealed off and split off from the rest of the psyche (which fragments the true wholeness of the mind, a wholeness that the process of Cleaning Up was created in order to help restore). Cleaning Up is an approach that put us in touch with the broken, fragmented, or repressed areas of our own mind and being, and that therefore gives us access to the Wholeness of our own healed and reunified mind.”

Creating the shadow:

Shadow material = unconscious and split-off elements of yourself.

  • “We humans (as a conscious ‘ego’) can seal off and repress various conscious elements and hence push them into this primitive unconscious region (the ‘id’—which is Latin for ‘it,’ or 3rd-person realities or ‘its’ in general). These ‘shadow’ elements can then create various disturbing emotional and mental illnesses (neuroses and psychoses).”
  • We create shadow material by taking some ‘I’ elements and disowning them as an alien ‘it.’ We deny it, we disavow it, we disown it, we split it off from our conscious self, and then it appears as if it belongs not to my own 1st person or ‘I’ but to some 3rd person—him, her, or it. But it’s actually mine.”
  • “We take material that belongs to the self or the ‘I’—some feeling or emotion, some thought or impulse, some trait or quality—and we deny that it’s ours; we push it out of our awareness, we disavow and disown it. When we do that, we convert it from a quality that is part of the ‘I,’ part of my conscious self, and instead make it appear like it is not mine, like it is other, like it is an ‘it.’”

1-2-3 process:

  • 1. The shadow generally starts as a 1st-person trait, something that is fully part of the individual’s conscious self, the central and core self-identity at whatever stage—it’s an ‘I’ or a ‘me’ or a ‘mine’—me and my desire, my anger, my self-controlling tendencies.
  • 2. Then there is some sort of dissociative activity—some sort of negative judgment, denial, disowning, disavowing, or repressing—and the shadow material is isolated, avoided, and pushed against as it is denied and disowned. This repressive pushing against moves the shadow material from being a 1st-person quality to being a 2nd-person quality. That is, it is no longer an ‘I’ or ‘me’ or ‘mine’; it now belongs to something that is ‘not-me,’ that is ‘other,’ as if it were actually a different person right inside my psyche—a ‘you.’ It becomes a 2nd-person reality, often called a ‘subpersonality’ because it is indeed like another person, a subject, included within the larger personality (it often appears as a ‘you’ in your own internal dialogue).
  • 3. You push it even further, into a 3rd-person reality, which means that it gets treated as a completely separate ‘it’—this is Freud’s ‘id’; that is, ‘it.’ And that is something that can actually be shoved on the other side of the body-boundary entirely, so this ‘it’ belongs to some 3rd-person reality out there—it belongs to ‘him,’ ‘her,’ or ‘them.’ In any case, in my own being, this 3rd-person shadow remains as a totally alien ‘it,’ which is now completely disguised as a symptom that seems to be a totally foreign thing or an ‘it’ beyond my control, and it is usually described in those 3rd-person terms.

Curing the shadow:

“Psychoanalysis aims to bring the unconscious ‘id’ elements back into a healed state of oneness with ‘ego’ consciousnessWe have to take that ‘it’ back and make it part of the ‘I,’ part of the self. So what Freud actually said was not ‘Where id was, there ego shall be.’ He said, ‘Where it was, there I shall become.’ That was truly brilliant; that really summarized psychoanalysis.”

‘Where it was, there I shall become’:

  • If you want to be cured of the dissociation, then ‘where it was, there I shall become.’ In other words, you need to re-own this material by turning the 3rd-person ‘it’ shadow back into its 1st-person ‘I’ reality.”
  • In order to cure the problem, we have to take that ‘it’ back and re-own it, reintegrate it, return it to the self, to the ‘I,’ and thus restore the psychological wholeness that we lost when we repressed this shadow material.”
  • “We need to re-own and reintegrate the disowned and repressed material, converting it from an ‘other’ (or an ‘it’) to a re-owned aspect of one’s own self (or ‘I’).”

3-2-1 practice:

  • Shadow material has gone from 1st-person to 2nd-person to 3rd-person—from ‘I’ to ‘you’ to ‘it.’ The 3-2-1 therapeutic technique simply reverses that process. Since almost all shadow material—no matter what level—goes through this 1-2-3 process in its creation, reversing that process—the 3-2-1 practice—works with shadow material regardless of which level it comes from.”
  • 3. Locate/describe it (3rd person, the person or thing being spoken about, ‘he, she, it’): What exactly is your issue, your problem, your neurosis, your symptom—what is your major shadow complaint? Describe it in as much detail as you can—all in 3rd-person ‘it’ terms.
  • 2. Talk to it (2nd person, the person being spoken to, ‘you’): Start to address it as an actual 2nd person, as a ‘you.’ You repeatedly take some 3rd-person, alien shadow material and directly address it as a 2nd-person you (thus moving it from 3rd person to 2nd person).
  • 1. Be it (1st person, the person speaking, ‘I’): You’ve converted the dissociated and disowned anger from being a 3rd person (when you fully described ‘it,’ in its shadow-form, as the frightening monster), to a 2nd person (when you talked directly to this monster as a ‘you’), to its original 1st-person form (when you identify with it as ‘I,’ ‘me,’ or ‘mine’).

Opening Up

Opening Up involves becoming aware of our multiple intelligences and fully Opening Up to all of them … Opening Up to them is realizing this fact and stepping into our own larger awareness.”

  • “As human beings, we don’t just have one basic intelligence, often called ‘cognitive intelligence,’ the one measured by the all-important IQ test. Rather, recent research (by, for example, Harvard psychologist Howard Gardner) suggests that we have up to a dozen different intelligences. In addition to cognitive intelligence—which is still important—we also have emotional intelligence, moral intelligence, musical intelligence, aesthetic intelligence, intrapersonal intelligence, kinesthetic or bodily intelligence, mathematical intelligence, social or interpersonal intelligence, values intelligence, and spiritual intelligence, among others.”
  • “Your thinking capacity—or cognitive intelligence—is not the only type of intelligence that you possess. Making room for these other intelligences is indeed to Open Up to the rich variety of intelligences that you have available, as well as the many different capacities that you possess because of these intelligences (capacities for cognitive, emotional, moral, aesthetic, and spiritual growth and learning opened up by these intelligences).”
  • Working on accessing all of our multiple intelligences or lines of development is a process I call ‘Opening Up.’ Opening Up carries its own particular kind of Wholeness, a Wholeness that accessing all of our multiple intelligences can bring to us.”

The Perennial Problem

“Globally suicidal problems are due primarily to a strong imbalance between progress in the Right-hand quadrants, which has reached at least an orange worldcentric level, particularly in technology and artifacts, and progress in the Left-hand quadrants, where some 60 percent have not reached a worldcentric level—and that imbalance is likely to kill us all … A special effort has to be made to help the interiors of consciousness and culture keep pace with their exterior technology and artifacts. All too often, as we have seen, development in the average Right Hand runs far ahead of the average Left Hand that is using it, and when that happens, much lower—and much less caring, less compassionate, less loving, and more domineering, more oppressive, and more exploitive—drives and values in the Left Hand end up inhabiting and using those Right-hand technologies.”

Technology outpaces wisdom:

“It wasn’t the exponential speed of technological development that was primarily causing these disastrous problems. It was the lack of a similar degree of interior development that could keep up with technology and offer some sort of balance, wisdom, and sane judgment to oversee the technology itself.”

Wilber describes the same thing in various ways:

  • “The classic case of interior wisdom not keeping pace with our exterior technology.”
  • “The only real problem here is the grand disjuncture of Right-hand artifacts and Left-hand wisdom.”
  • “Right-hand artifact development running far ahead of Left-hand consciousness and wisdom.”
  • “Exterior, Right-hand technology and artifacts can run so far ahead of the degree of consciousness and culture in the Left Hand.”
  • “We glaringly see the results of Right-hand global technology racing far ahead of Left-hand wisdom.”

Not tracking interior evolution:

  • Even though science itself reached global, worldcentric levels of development, our interiors did not reach these same levels of global development, because they weren’t even being tracked anymore or even considered to be real. Because of this enormous imbalance between our exterior science, technology, and artifacts and our interior levels of consciousness, culture, and wisdom, our problems became globally suicidal—and there is where our modern world still stands today.”
  • We are not even tracking this interior evolution; and so we have no idea that there is even a problem, let alone what to do about it. We are not Showing Up authentically. We are not inhabiting all the major dimensions of our own being, especially the Left-hand dimensions—which is, at bottom, a truly cowardly stance (laced with a genuine fear of the realities that we have denied existence).”
  • Interior levels are not being tracked at all, and thus the path forward from ethnocentric bias to a more widely shared worldcentric fairness is barely known or understood.”
  • Humanity is not living up to its own profound interior potentials. And this is compounded by the fact that we are not even tracking this interior dimension at all! We have no idea that this arrested development is occurring because we don’t acknowledge this development in the first place.”
  • Right-hand material realities, artifacts, and technologies often run far ahead of the Left-hand morals and wisdom needed to use them appropriately and responsibly—which is compounded by the fact that we aren’t even tracking the Left-hand realities. That is especially important, since it explains why the global level of development brings with it the capacity to destroy humanity on an equally global level.”

1st tier vs 2nd tier:

“The general rule of development is the oft-repeated fact that you cannot solve a problem from the same level that created it. And thus none of the 1st-tier stages can solve the problems inherent in 1st tier itself. They can be solved only by the ‘momentous leap’ to Integral 2nd tier.”

· 1st tier stages of development (archaic fusion, red magic, amber mythic, orange rational, and green postmodern): True but partial; none of them are capable of fully including the others; think that its truth and values are the only important truth and values in existence (all the others are childish, confused, goofy, or just plain wrong).

· 2nd tier stages of development (turquoise Inclusive-Integral, 6–8% of population): The first truly holistic and inclusive stage in existence and a stunningly profound leap in evolution; begins to integrate all stages and pull them into a genuine Wholeness (and thus it can wind down the massive conflicts and culture wars); understands that all the previous stages are deeply significant (if nothing else, each of them is a stage in human growth and development, and so none of them can be deleted or skipped).

  • “Our planet is being assaulted and crippled by people who have access to orange Right-hand worldcentric technology and artifacts, but who themselves are at pre-worldcentric and pre-orange Left-hand levels of development and either can’t see or don’t care about global realities. This is killing all of us.”
  • “We saw that part of any global problem today is the fact that some 60 to 70 percent of the world’s population are living at ethnocentric or lower stages of development—in other words, their consciousness is considerably less than global. Their exteriors (technology and artifacts) might be global, but their interiors (consciousness and culture) definitely are not. These 60 to 70 percent may be living in a global village, but they are not living in a global awareness. (And even worse, the percentage of the population at turquoise global-Integral, a 2nd-tier stage, is less than 8 percent, and yet these stages are the only ones that can actually start to solve some of the problems created by 1st tier.) And none of this is to mention that leaving out all Left-hand interiors also cuts out any approach to Waking Up to any Enlightened states of consciousness. Usually these realities in the Left-hand interiors are ignored when researchers examine planetwide problems; nothing but Right-hand exteriors are taken into account.”
  • “In the worldwide population, while the exterior, Right-hand quadrants have reached global orange levels in, for example, their technology and almost all their artifacts, in the interior, Left-hand quadrants, reaching a global level in awareness is mostly only a possibility, a potential, a maybe—and something most people have to discover for themselves (since their cultures are not Showing Up for them).”
  • “Any truly Integral approach to our problems would maintain that our society needs to become a DDC (deliberately developmental culture).”
  • “The only real cure for the culture wars is the emergence of 2nd-tier Integral as the leading edge of cultural evolution.”

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