Astrology Insights You Need – WellBeing Magazine

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As we journey through mid-2024, the celestial patterns offer a rich tapestry of opportunities and challenges for each zodiac sign. Read on to discover what the cosmos has in store for your sign and how to harness these energies to propel yourself toward your goals and dreams.


Cancer birthdays fall between two rare Full Moons, sparking excitement and social connections, especially with Venus near the Sun, bringing fun from simple pursuits and home gatherings. From July 6 to 22, a Cancer New Moon brings harmony between Water and Earth signs, along with a dynamic dance between the Sun, Mars and Saturn, complemented by the second Full Moon. This period propels you toward your goals. Expect mutual attraction to pave the way for meaningful connections, seeding partnerships and projects into August and September. In August, prioritise internal depth, embracing moments of inner stillness amid the busyness from late in the month into September, when Mars transits through Cancer.


Extra perseverance and inner calm are needed now. The Water and Earth harmonies of late July and early August ask you to enjoy the flow, facilitating new ideas. Agility will see more success than a fixed plan. July 21’s Full Moon exposes question marks and requires deep, Pluto-style exploration. Your Leo New Moon on August 4 starts with high hopes and big plans as Sun dances with Jupiter. But a Mercury retrograde cycle also begins then, and from August 15 to 23, a series of small challenges may slow things down. Protect yourself from August 16 to 20 via compromise in social situations and caution with finances. Then September 12 to 22 will show good results.


As Mercury’s child, Virgo wears several hats, juggling many roles. On July 26, when Mercury enters Virgo, you do this well. Venus joins Virgo on August 5, the very day Mercury begins its retrograde cycle, circling back to join Venus. Thus, August 5 to 8 is special and sweet, attracting new connections. Yet retro challenges from August 16 to 20 demand calm and patience when plans stall or others get bossy. Breathe deeply, trust the process, then August 24 to 30 reboots your dynamic Virgo self. Plans are more likely to come together from September 9 to 15, when Mercury returns to Virgo and your Full Moon builds.


As a sign of Equinox, Libra, you are all about balance and an open fl ow between head and heart supports this. Giant Jupiter is expanding your urge to travel and learn, while serious Saturn — in feeling-oriented Pisces — needs routine for physical and mental health. Sufficient rest can support this if you carefully manage the extra demands of this time. From July 21 to August 7, seek like-minded people in your personal and professional life. Be aware that July 13 to 16, August 2 and 19 to 20 may deliver twists and shocks to be navigated. A Venus love cycle begins on August 29, flowering in mid- September when she dances with Jupiter.


The deep and mysterious dance of Scorpio sometimes means that no-one can penetrate your defences. Yet mutual attraction is a theme during this time. You gained unexpected support mid-July when ruler Mars met Uranus in Taurus. July 21’s Full Moon brings important agreements and helpful people, showing this as a golden time to get things done. Yet on July 23 and August 2, energies shift. Refuse to be drawn into conflict. August 5 to 8 boosts both friendship and vocation, with Venus, messenger Mercury and New Moon all on side. August 23 to 30 opens you to the next level, with September 12 to 20 the natural flow-on.


So many things to do and places to go, for Sagi! With wanderer Jupiter now in your partner sign for a year, other people are major factors in your world opening wider. You get a taste from July 21’s Full Moon to August 15, when Jupiter and a Leo New Moon boost the adventure factor. Yet August 16 to 23 includes a trickster Full Moon on August 20. Take care not to overreact to sudden changes of plan or criticism from others. This too shall pass. From August 24 to 30, Sun radiates happiness in collusion with Venus. As Venus boosts friendship and love, new miracles await, star-bright in mid-September.


Careful plans and long-term goals do not always deliver the goods, but your thorough approach is still a gift to be appreciated. A service-oriented sign, your desire to help near and dear ones comes into profi le in July and August. Ruler Saturn has been slowly seeding new dreams involving others. From July 6 New Moon to July 21’s rare second Full Moon in Capricorn, those dreams take clear shape. The hints become facts as Saturn is energised by Mars and Sun. An earthy Venus prompts travel plans that solidify around August 24 to 27. Some unusual pleasures and new experiences await you from September 12 to 22.


Aquarius now hosts Pluto, deepening your sense of our human needs. Carrier of community vision, individual self-interest can be off -putting for you. Yet, July 21 to 22’s Mars/Pluto dance sees Pluto align with a Full Moon. This emotional jolt reminds you that your own pleasures do matter. Time out keeps you sane and healthy. July 26 to August 7 sees new plans and healing pleasures tumble together. From August 7 to 15, relationships support mature conversations, allowing truth-telling with loved ones. On August 16 to 20, stay calm if home and family issues become explosive, courtesy of the Full Moon in Aquarius. September 15 to 22 will soothe and heal.


Neptune travelling through Pisces is a natural fi t for you, opening doors of perception. Yet, Saturn in Pisces is a strained fit, bringing control issues into the free-fl ow between your two very diff erent sides, as depicted by those two head-to-tail fi sh. Saturn boosts your practicality in July, but August 2 and 16 to 20 are challenging. August 20’s Full Moon coincides with ruler Jupiter squared off to Saturn, which could play out as home or family demands, versus free self-expression. Any conflict will seem far bigger an issue than it is. Breathe deeply and wait for clarity. It will come in mid- September with your Pisces Full Moon.


The eclipse axis slides through Aries, hooking up with Venus. Now is the time to embrace change, further energised by Mars meeting change-agent Uranus in July. Yet, Mars stirs battles and a typical Aries dilemma pits personal freedom against together-time. Be wary during July 22 to 23 and August 2; assume nothing and go with what feels right. False polarities will fade. It is August 4’s New Moon that reinvigorates your quest for creative expression, friendship and love. Let that guide you through the storms of August 16 to 20, then a golden shore beckons from August 24 to 30. It takes the Venus/Jupiter dance of mid-September to really get there.


Thanks to a long-term visit from planet Uranus, change is the name of the game for Taurus. Irrespective of good or bad, Uranus shifts perspectives and disrupts plans. Under a waxing Moon from July 6 to 21, you can readily embrace the liberation this cycle invites. Beware of slipping into a blame game that stalls your progress from July 13 to 16. Yet July 19 to 26 seems purpose-designed for success. It is August 2 and 18 to 20 that require your patience and faith in relation to the unexpected. With Mercury in retrograde in your home and family sign, it may be mid-September before full clarity comes.


From July 8 to 10, the twins get a taste of the elemental bliss to come, via Jupiter in Gemini’s happy link with Mercury. The real deal arrives July 21, when Mars enters Gemini, adding energised communication to Jupiter’s fortunate 12-month stay. From July 22, it is even easier to shine, with more Leo energy abroad. Opportunities abound, when these natural allies of Leo fire and Gemini air link. Fun just bubbles up. Creative ideas, inspired events and warm connections come easily from July 22 to August 7. Plus, August 14 to 15 and 24 to 27 have high potential. Then Venus enters Libra on August 29, bringing love to mid-September.

Article Featured in WellBeing Magazine 210

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