Written by Jamie Broadnax and Angelica Monk
We open in episode 7 of House of the Dragon over in Driftmark, in a 2-shot between Queen Rhaenyra and her dragon Syrax and Seasmoke, who recently claimed Addam of Hull. Rhaenyra, feeling threatened by Addam because he now holds power over her and having a dragon as his weapon shows concern and hesitation. As she tells him that he is in the presence of a Queen, Addam insists he is of no threat to her and in fact wants to serve her. This puzzles Rhaenrya and he is curious about his heritage. And while Addam says his family keeps no annals, he refuses to disclose who his father is, who we all know is Corlys Velaryon. Rhaenyra is relieved and glad that Seamoke obeys Addam and wants them both to get back to Dragonstone.
Meanwhile, back at Kings Landing we see Alicent still wounded from injury last week after being attacked by the smallfolk. She is being treated by Maester Orwyle. Alicent says “nothing is clean here” as the camera strategically cuts to a rat. And while there have been theories of Larys as a greenseer possessing the body of a rat as his way of collecting information from the Red Keep, it’s becoming more apparent these theories aren’t that far off.
Meanwhile, in the following scene Larys is speaking to Jasper Wylde. Jasper discloses to him that Seasmoke has a new rider. And instead of delivering this news to the Prince regent Aemond, he much prefer to deliver it to the master of whispers, which shows that the council don’t fully trust Aemond at this point. Jasper suggest that to Larys that if he delivers the news, he could find favor with Aemond himself. When Larys asks who the rider is, Jasper is unclear of whom it may be. He guesses it could be Rhaena, but Larys shuts that down. And once Jasper discloses the source of this news which comes from a number of people, Larys simply says “it’s best that this whisper is left to the wind.”
Back at Dragonstone, the Black Council have a meeting about the new rider that Rhaenrya is mentoring. Bartimos Celtigar is not too fond of the idea that a low-born man is a rider for Seasmoke. Corlys decides that the council shall await the queen’s accounting before passing judgment – keep in mind this is his son they are talking about. Meanwhile Jacaerys has an indignant expression on his face and wants to know where his mother is.
In the following scene Rhaenyra is still concerned that Vermithor and Silverwing still do not have riders. She’s going through her “ancestry.com” records to look for other Targaryen-related ancestors as possibilities, meanwhile Mysaria laughs and basically says that’s it’s like finding a needle in a haystack. And to look to the low-born bastard smallfolk that live and work right nearby. Rhaenyra says, there is honor in the high-born houses. And Mysaria claps back telling Rhaenyra examples of how her own royal half-brothers with pure blood are trying to destroy her for the crown, are they bound by honor? Rhaenrya ends by saying let us raise an army of bastards.
Where have we heard and seen this before?
In the next scene, Addam asks Corlys to be relieved of his duties as a shipmate and Corlys grants his request.

Lord Oscar Tully arrives at Harrenhal with the river lords. Daemon tells Oscar he’s now useful and should bring his vassals to their side. Oscar tells Daemon he’s acquired a bad reputation for barbarism and violence under the Queen’s name but his family is one of honor and they will not break their oath to Rhaenyra or her King Consort. Daemon tells him to call the banners to war and Oscar says that will be difficult as they all hate Daemon. He doesn’t want their love, just their swords. Ser Simon interrupts, Daemon must address the river lords who are waiting.

He meets with them in the Godswood, Daemon asks them to pledge their fealty to Oscar and answer his call to join Daemon. They question why they should serve someone so young who has aligned themselves with Daemon. Oscar agrees he’s young and has no love for Daemon who dishonored the crown. He chooses to honor his grandfather’s oath to Viserys. Daemon sidesteps his previous actions admitting he was heavy handed but asks them to honor Oscar’s wishes. A river woman demands justice for Daemon’s crimes and Willem says justice has been served as the Brackens who supported the Greens are now kneeling for the Blacks.
Oscar tests Daemon by ordering his men to seize Willem Blackwood. Willem insists he was simply following orders, but Oscar tells him he committed the crimes against the Brackens because he wanted to, due to his grudge. Willem asks Daemon to help but he remains silent, allowing Willem to take the fall in order to win over the river lords. Ser Simon says “oh dear” as Daemon unsheathes his sword and executes Willem.
Afterwards, Daemon walks back to his chambers, he passes a goat in the hall. As he enters his room, he finds Viserys in his dying form, on his bed holding the crown. Daemon sits next to him asking, “what is this?” Viserys says he never wanted the crown; it caused so much pain and crushes the one that wears it. He tells Daemon he’s always wanted the crown and hands it to him, he asks, “Do you still want it?”
We cut to Maester Orwyle rehabbing Aegon, helping him learn to walk again. He falls to the ground in pain as Larys enters. He helps Orwyle get him into bed as Aegon cries out. He tells Aegon he’s proud of his progress, but he must try harder. Larys order Orwyle to continue to push Aegon and have him try walking again in a few hours. Orwyle says he needs rest but begrudgingly agrees.

In the Kingswood outside King’s Landing, Alicent rides into the encampment she’s sharing with Ser Rickard in the woods. She tells him she wishes to retire for the evening and goes inside her tent. He asks when she plans on returning to the city, Alicent tells him she’s not ready to return and wishes him good night.
Later, Alicent walks across an open field towards a lake. She disrobes, a sad look across her face, and wades into the water. She floats on her back in the water, watching the sky above her. Corlys meets with Alyn as they prepare to depart Driftmark. He tells Alyn that Addam has claimed Seasmoke. He tells Alyn, Rhaenyra has called for other dragon seeds. The Velaryons are the blood of Old Valyria but not dragon lords, he admits he didn’t know much about Alyn’s mother’s own heritage but maybe there’s something in her blood. Alyn tells Corlys his brother was always restless & was searching for a sign of his worth, Alyn is of Salt & Sea and yearns for nothing else.

Rhaena departs the Eyrie with the young princes as Lady Jeyne looks on. When Jeyne closes the gates of the castle, Rhaena runs off, tracking the wild dragon.
In the Dragonstone library, Jace confronts Rhaenyra on allowing the lowborn to claim dragons, asking if it was Mysaria’s idea. Jace’s disdain for her is apparent. She mentions he was excited about Ser Steffon. Jace tells her he was of noble birth and Lord Commander of the Queensguard. He calls the lowborn mongrels. Rhaenyra wants him to consider what’s at stake. Jace believes if the low born are allowed to ride then what does that say about the Targaryens?
The dragons are their ancient rite. He wonders what would happen to them if a lowborn, silver haired dragon rider decided they should rule the Seven Kingdoms. Rhaenyra asks Jace what exactly he wants her to do? They need the dragon riders to win, so she can take her place on the throne. Jace asks what happens when she dies, she reassures him, she is his heir.
Jace asks Rhaenyra if she knew that he would have dark hair. He confronts her about her affair with Harwin Strong, her lack of consideration on how this would have affected his future. His legitimacy as heir was always questioned because of his appearance but no one could question his Targaryen roots since he was a dragon rider. Now, he’s stripped of that thanks to Rhaenyra’s search for dragon riders. Rhaenyra tells him she doesn’t like any of the things that are happening, but this will stop a needless war, Jace begs her to pursue he plans but she says she has to follow the path the gods have laid out for him.
Mysaria gives a message to Alyn and tells him to do what is necessary. His message gets passed along from person to person until it reaches Elinda at King’s Landing. Elinda sets about the city on her message for the queen. Spreading the call for potential dragon riders to arrive at Dragonstone.
Ulf the White is told the need in the ale house and is hesitant to go. His friends encourage him calling him Ulf the dragon lord. Hugh tells his wife he’s going to Dragonstone to answer Rhaenyra’s call. She tells him he doesn’t have to go; he can find work in Tumbleton. Hugh tells her he must go, he didn’t know his father but he did know his mother. She worked in a pleasure house and was given more freedom as she was a Targaryen bastard and the half-sister of Viserys and Daemon. Hugh apologizes to his wife for lying to her about his parentage. He’s sorry he couldn’t take care of her and keep their daughter alive. If he claims a dragon, he will be made a nobleman, and she will be a lady. She doesn’t want to be a lady or a widow. Hugh tells her he must do something and leaves Kings Landing by boat with other dragonseed, under the care of Alyn.
Rhaenyra watches as dragon seeds arrive at the castle. As Rhaenyra goes to meet them she’s confronted by the dragon trainers who call them dragon seed an abomination. A dragon trainer tells her the gods have already judged her for sending an Andal to claim Seasmoke, Rhaenyra argues he had Targaryen blood, and he retorts it was blasphemy, he was no dragon lord just like the dragon seed among them. Rhaenyra says they were sent by the gods. The trainer argues dragons are the last trace of magic from Old Valyria, they are sacred. He and his order will take no part in the Sowing. They all leave.
Rhaenyra addresses the dragon seed gathered. She admits she thought she knew what it meant to be a dragon rider, now those thoughts are like ashes in the wind. It could be their blood or their worth, but she knows each of them has someone behind to join her cause. She tells them that they will be transformed by their encounter with a dragon. In fact, they may choose death as the alternative of the war and starvation they are likely to face. If they claim the remaining dragons, peace will be restored, and the bloodshed will end. She warns them that Vermithor, the Bronze Fury, is the largest dragon in the world outside of Vhagar. She asks who will go to him, they follow her out to the dragon’s cave beneath the Dragon-mount and she asks the gods to bless them.

Rhaenyra turns to face them as she summons Vermithor in high Valyrian. The ground shakes as he emerges from the shadows. He screeches as Rhaenyra orders him to “be calm” and “serve”. He bares his teeth and lowers his head allowing Rhaenyra to touch him. He settles and becomes calm. Rhaenyra ashes who will be first, Baela and Addam are present and turn as a silver haired man approaches. Rhaenyra tells him, she cannot tell him anything else, as it’s the dragon who must speak. Rhaenyra and her council leave the dragon seed behind on the ledge and watch from a safe distance behind armed guards.
Vermithor sniffs the dragon seed, his head towering among them. The young man attempts to touch him and Vermithor releases dragon fire, burning several dragon seed. The Queensguard says they must go but Rhaenyra demands they stay. Vermithor releases more fire killing a dozen more and the dragon seed attempts to escape. The guards bring them back and Vermithor eats a man while Ulf and Hugh retreat.
Hugh watches as Vermithor hunts the dragon seed and hides behind a rock alongside a scared silver-haired girl. They both crouch and try to run but Vermithor sees them and tries to eat them. As he prepares to attack the girl, Hugh distracts him and says he’s ready. He faces the dragon and screams “come on” but no fire comes. Vermithor bows his head to Hugh who touches him. Hugh spots Rhaenyra watching him from above proudly.
Ulf escapes deep into the Dragonmont and stumbles upon a sleeping dragon guarding their eggs. It is the second unclaimed dragon, Silverwing. Ulf falls backwards and awaits his death but realizes the dragon won’t harm him. She bows to him, and he laughs in great relief.
The Green Council reports to Aemond that Lord Ormund and his army are making slow progress as his army is threatened on two fronts by houses aligned with the Beesbury. The good news is that Daeron’s dragon, Tessarion, can now fly and will be able to join the fight soon. It will make the Hightower host unstoppable.
Outside bells are ringing as Ulf and Silverwing are spotted flying above Kings Landing, the city is in a panic. Ulf barely knows how to fly but he manages to direct Silverwing back towards the sea. Aemond leaves the Keep and mounts Vhagar in fast pursuit of Silverwing. Vhagar wants to attack the other dragon but as they get closer to Dragonstone, Vhagar tells her no and orders her to turn around. She begrudgingly obeys him but not before Rhaenys spots him. Syrax, Vermithor, and Silverwing gather behind her.
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